Walkerville Volunteer Fire Department
The Town of Walkerville Volunteer Fire Department was organized September 22, 1903 in Silver Bow County, Montana. The Department is made up of a Volunteer Fire Chief, Assistant Chief, Training Captain, Safety Captain, and a fluctuating membership of fire fighters. All new members are required to complete a Basic Firefighter and a Basic Wildland Firefighter Class offered at no cost to the member through the Silver Bow Fire Council and the Montana State University Fire Services Extension Training School.
The Department currently operates using four pieces of Fire Apparatus. These are:
2012 International 4x4 pumper 750-gal tank 1250 gpm pump
1995 Ford F350 4x4 Type 6 wildland.
2008 Freightliner Tender 6x6 2700-gal tank (DNRC)
2019 Ford F550 4x4 Type 5 wildland (DNRC)
In support of the Department, the Town has entered into an Automatic Aid agreement with the Centerville Volunteer and Butte Silver Bow Career Department as well as Mutual Aid agreements with the member departments of the Silver Bow Fire Council. The Town is also supported by a Local Government Services Agreement with the Montana Department of Natural Resources (DNRC) which provides wildland and rural response fire suppression equipment.
Through the current membership and these agreements, a Public Protection Classification which is completed every 5 years was performed by the Insurance Services Office and the Town classification came back as a 4. This means anything within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant and within four (4) miles of a fire station is classified as a 4. An ISO fire insurance rating provides significant savings to businesses, property owners, and residents. Contact your insurance company to verify your ISO Class Rating.
The membership strives to offer the most effective volunteer fire suppression services to our community through continual training, exercises, and experience, as well as ensuring an adequate response is maintained through our membership and agreements.
Application for the Walkerville Volunteer Fire Department
ISO Letter for the Town of Walkerville (Public Protection Classification Program)