Frequently Asked Questions about Walkerville

What are the boundary lines for Walkerville?
The boundary line was reaffirmed by a geographic survey completed by the Everly & Associates land surveying company in February of 2024. Maps of the official boundary lines for Walkerville can be found here.

Who do I contact about snow plowing in Walkerville?
Mike Frodsham is the maintenance engineer for the Town of Walkerville and works hard to keep Walkerville roads plowed. Please see the contact page to contact the road department.

Why isn’t Walkerville considered part of Butte?
The Town of Walkerville declined to consolidate with the City of Butte and the County of Silver-Bow in 1977. To this day, Walkerville remains a separate municipality within Butte-Silver Bow and elects its own council and mayor. Walkerville is recognized as a local governmental unit, or political subdivision, by the State of Montana.

When does the Walkerville Town Council hold their meetings?
The Town Council meets at 6PM on the second Wednesday of every month at the Walkerville City Hall, 40 West Daly Street. All meetings of the Council are open to the public.

How many people are on the council?
The council is comprised of five members: four aldermen and a mayor. The Town of Walkerville also employs a Clerk/Treasurer, Town Attorney, and a Road Maintenance Engineer.

Who is the mayor of Walkerville?
John Ries is currently the Mayor of Walkerville, a position he has held since December of 2011.

How do I vote in a Walkerville election?
Once you register to vote with a Walkerville address, you will receive all necessary ballots to vote in Walkerville elections. Register here.

What is a study commission?
Every ten years, the State of Montana compels local government units to call for a vote to determine if a study commission shall be formed. The purpose of a study commission is to conduct a local government review and recommend changes, if any. Find out more at MCA 7-3-173.